Tuesday, March 6, 2012

MWP2: Rhetorical Precis "Methods of cheating and Deterrents to Classroom Cheating: An International Study"

In the article “Methods Of Cheating And Deterrents To Classroom Cheating: An International Study” by Michael B. Witek, et al., the authors claims that cheating has increased since 1942 and that some methods can be used to deter cheating. The authors support this claim by providing statistical information and graphs which prove that cheating has increased since 1942 and also by reporting data of an experiment where a group of people were asked how certain deterrents of cheating and punishments of cheating would help the issue of cheating. The purpose of this article is to inform people how to attempt to prevent cheating in order to reduce the amount of cheating. The intended audience for this article is a group of college educated people, because difficult terminology is used and statistical data and a long length are utilized by the paper, along with the organization of a lab report.

Michael B. Witek, et al. "Methods Of Cheating And Deterrents To Classroom Cheating: An International Study." Ethics & Behavior 18.4 (2008): 373-391. Academic Search Premier. Web. 5 Mar. 2012.

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