Thursday, March 8, 2012

MWP2: Precis 3: “Imitation Is The Sincerest Form Of Cheating: The Influence Of Direct Knowledge And Attitudes On Academic Dishonesty”

                In the article “Imitation Is The Sincerest Form Of Cheating: The Influence Of Direct Knowledge And Attitudes On Academic Dishonesty” (2010) by David A. Rettinger, et al, the authors claim that an increase in reporting of cheating would deter cheaters because others would see cheaters being caught. The authors support this claim with an experiment involving social variables and aspects, which the findings state that people are more likely to cheat when they see others go unpunished for cheating. The purpose of this article is to inform about research regarding cheating in order to present more information about how to deter cheating. The audience for this article is a group of college-educated people, because it is very long, includes a few statistical charts, and is written like a lab report, which suggests educated people would read it.

Rettinger, David A., et al. "Imitation Is The Sincerest Form Of Cheating: The Influence Of Direct Knowledge And Attitudes On Academic Dishonesty." Ethics & Behavior 20.1 (2010): 47-64. Academic Search Premier. Web. 5 Mar. 2012.

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