Thursday, March 8, 2012

MWP2: Precis 5: “Study Of A Cognitive Dissonance Intervention To Address High School Students' Cheating Attitudes And Behaviors”

In the article “Study Of A Cognitive Dissonance Intervention To Address High School Students' Cheating Attitudes And Behaviors” (2009) by Edward J. Vinski and Georgiana S. Tryon, the authors claim that cheating is not punished in schools. The authors support this claim by providing evidence from surveys that report students are not concerned about getting caught cheating, and have seen other students caught cheating receive no punishment. The purpose of this article is to present information about a survey about why students cheat in order to provide more information about the problem of cheating in schools and how to prevent such cheating. The audience for this article is a group of educated people, because difficult vocabulary is used along with difficult statistical data that causes the article to be difficult to read if the reader is not educated.

Vinski, Edward J., and Georgiana Shick Tryon. "Study Of A Cognitive Dissonance Intervention To Address High School Students' Cheating Attitudes And Behaviors." Ethics & Behavior 19.3 (2009): 218-226. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Mar. 2012.

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