Thursday, March 8, 2012

MWP2: Precis 4: “Situational And Personal Causes Of Student Cheating”

            In the article “Situational And Personal Causes Of Student Cheating” (2009) by David A. Rettinger and Yair Kramer, the authors claim that cheating in schools is in part caused by other students’ cheating, and that seeing others cheat can lead to an increase in cheating. This claim is supported by two expiriments conducted by the authors, both of which lead to the conclusion that the culture around a person can increase or decrease cheating. The purpose of this article is to present findings about peer pressure in cheating in order to prevent more cheating by incorporating methods to reduce the pressure to cheat and to increase the pressure to not cheat. The intended audience for this article is a group of people who are educated and interested in the psychology of cheating, because the article includes intense vocabulary and psychological theories, and contains statistical data tables that are difficult to analyze without the proper educational background.

Rettinger, David A., and Yair Kramer. "Situational And Personal Causes Of Student Cheating." Research In Higher Education 50.3 (2009): 293-313. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Mar. 2012.

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