Thursday, February 16, 2012

MWP1: Precis 5: “Violent Lyrics In Heavy Metal Music Can Increase Aggression In Males”

In the article “Violent Lyrics In Heavy Metal Music Can Increase Aggression In Males” (2011) by John Mast and Francis McAndrew, the authors state that Heavy Metal Music with violent lyrics causes an increase in aggression in males. The authors support this statement by performing an experiment in which 35 male college students are split into 3 groups and listen to Heavy Metal music with violent lyrics, without violent lyrics, and silence for 8 minutes and are then asked to put an amount of hot sauce in water for another test subject to drink; and, the authors reporting that the group with violent lyrics put the most hot sauce in the water. The purpose of this article is to present information about the findings of an experiment in order to prove that violent lyrics in Heavy Metal music cause an increase in aggression in males. The audience of this article is a partially educated group, because the article contains a small amount of statistical wording and is short for an article, being two pages long; also, the article is not written in a lab report style but does have many sources and uses college level vocabulary.

Mast, John F., and Francis T. McAndrew. "Violent Lyrics In Heavy Metal Music Can Increase Aggression In Males." North American Journal Of Psychology 13.1 (2011): 63-64. Academic Search Premier. Web. 13 Feb. 2012.

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