Thursday, February 16, 2012

MWP1: Precis 1: “The Relationship Between Heavy Metal And Rap Music And Adolescent Turmoil: Real Or Artifact?”

In the article “The Relationship Between Heavy Metal And Rap Music And Adolescent Turmoil: Real Or Artifact?” (1994) by Kevin Took and David Weiss, the authors claim that Heavy Metal Music and Rap Music have no direct effect on turmoil in children, but that the problem originates from elementary school issues before the exposure to the music styles. The authors support this claim by presenting their research which shows that the music styles originally suspected of causing negative effects in teenagers are not a direct cause of turmoil in children, but the result of underlying problems based off of surveys they presented to the test subjects. The purpose of this article is to present information of a psychological study in order to disprove the notion that Heavy Metal and Rap music negatively affects youth. The intended audience for this article is a group of people desiring more information about the effects of music, but who are also educated, as evident by the professional statistical data methods used and the strictly lab-report style presentation of information.

Took, Kevin J., and David S. Weiss. "The Relationship Between Heavy Metal And Rap Music And Adolescent Turmoil: Real Or Artifact?." Adolescence 29.115 (1994): 613. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Feb. 2012.

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