Thursday, February 16, 2012

MWP1: Precis 2: “What's The Deal With Soundtrack Albums? Metal Music And The Customized Aesthetics Of Contemporary Horror”

In the article “What's The Deal With Soundtrack Albums? Metal Music And The Customized Aesthetics Of Contemporary Horror” (2009) by Joseph Tompkins, the author claims that Heavy Metal music and horror films go together nicely and that the film industry utilizes this relationship. The author supports this claim by giving many examples (including the movie Freddy vs. Jason) and explaining, in depth, the economic and cultural impact of such a relationship. The purpose of this article is to present the research done regarding a relationship between horror film and Heavy Metal music in order to show that the relationship is beneficial to all parties involved. The intended audience of this article is a group of college-level students, because the vocabulary is at a college level but there is nothing too specialized about the article that only one profession would understand, even if it is rather long.

Tompkins, Joseph. "What's The Deal With Soundtrack Albums? Metal Music And The Customized Aesthetics Of Contemporary Horror." Cinema Journal 49.1 (2009): 65-81. Academic Search Premier. Web. 16 Feb. 2012.

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