Thursday, February 16, 2012

MWP1: Precis 3: “Heavy Metal, Identity And The Social Negotiation Of A Community Of Practice”

            In the article “Heavy Metal, Identity And The Social Negotiation Of A Community Of Practice” (2007) by Dave Snell and Darrin Hodgetts, the authors claim that there is a Heavy Metal culture that is beneficial to those involved in the culture through expression of oneself and establishing and strengthening ties to others. The authors support this claim by explaining, in depth, the Heavy Metal culture and use a few people as test subjects who support their claim by showing themselves as benefited by the Heavy Metal culture that they are a part of. The purpose of this article is to present the findings about the Heavy Metal culture in order to make the point that people are affected positively by the Heavy Metal community that has been established. The audience of this article is a group of people who are educated but not necessarily specialized: the vocabulary is of a higher level, but there are no statistical tables and a few pictures are included that do not pose a huge significance to the article; however, the article is written as a lab report and is rather long, making it difficult enough to be fit for an educated audience.

Snell, Dave, and Darrin Hodgetts. "Heavy Metal, Identity And The Social Negotiation Of A Community Of Practice." Journal Of Community & Applied Social Psychology 17.6 (2007): 430-445. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Feb. 2012.

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