Sunday, April 15, 2012

Precis on "CRiT Walking Race, Place, And Space In The Academy" (MWP3 #4)

            In the article "CRiT Walking Race, Place, And Space In The Academy" by Mark Giles and Robin Hughes, the authors claim that there is racism in the faculties of higher education. They support this claim with a collection of research which states that the ‘best’ Universities are generally the least diverse regarding faculties and administrators. The purpose of this article is to further the concept of Critical Race Theory in college faculties in order to have people recognize that racism still exists in college faculty. The audience for this article is a group of people who are educated and interested in Critical Race Theory, because the article is long and in an academic journal, which implies that it is not simply leisurely reading to everyone.  

Giles, Mark S., and Robin L. Hughes. "CRiT Walking Race, Place, And Space In The Academy." International Journal Of Qualitative Studies In Education (QSE) 22.6 (2009): 687-696. Academic Search Premier. Web. 13 Apr. 2012.

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