Monday, April 9, 2012

Free Write Summary with Quotes about "Changing Chairs" Diversity Article

            The article “Changing The Chairs: Impact Of Workshop Activities In Assisting Chemistry Department Chairs In Achieving Racial And Ethnic Diversity" by Jean Stockard, et al. reviews a worhshop of leaders of chemistry departments with the goal of increasing diversity in chemistry departments at universities. The article claims that “8% of chemistry faculty members in the nation as a whole were from [underrepresented minority] backgrounds” and that “in top-ranked chemistry departments… the representation of [underrepresented minority] faculty was substantially lower” than 8% (Stockard 1). The leaders of the chemistry departments claim that there is no bias in their universities, but that underrepresented minorities simply do not apply enough. However, this workshop was statistically shown to increase the awareness of a need for diversity in chemistry departments and change the current system in order to allow more minorities to have positions. The workshop presents some solutions, such as “additional funding” for minorities and “changing the attitudes of current faculty” about minorities, which are good solutions to the issue and should be implemented (Stockard 4).

Jean Stockard, et al. "Changing The Chairs: Impact Of Workshop Activities In Assisting Chemistry Department Chairs In Achieving Racial And Ethnic Diversity." Journal Of Chemical Education 88.6 (2011): 721-725. Academic Search Premier. Web. 4 Apr. 2012.

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